born 1932 in prague

1947–1950 state school for graphic arts, prague
1950–1955 academy of arts architecture and design, prague
since 1956 independent artist, external cooperation with glass industry, design of domestic glass (glassworks bohemia poděbrady), free blown and engraved glass
(úuř – škrdlovice glassworks)

at the end of the fties and in the sixties her work was completely transferred to create spacious glass sculptures in glass works, that she nalize by combining the glass with metal or wood.

seventies and eighties
in the late seventies she starts to place her objects on painted pedestals or ats, later she beggins to use the painting also to put the nishing touches to the glass objects. spatious wildly painted free-blown objects are typical
for her work from the eighties.

after 1990
a big changeover in her work comes after the year 1990 when she goes over to painting on glass plates and by stacking them she creates interesting mirages.